This is one of the cutest kids I have seen. He was so rambunctious that I had a really hard time photographing him and even with the 10 minutes and 15 pictures I was still unable to get a good one. He kind of reminds me of Eyore from Winnie the Pooh (without the “ho-hum” attitude of course).
Okay technically he isn’t a kid but he is really small and besides you can’t resist his curly locks which he is covered in but I particularly like his forelock! Plus if you see the way he interacts with his owner you could almost swear he was a dog. Really quite a character this one is!
Mr. Goat 2008
Mr. Goat 2008
This has to be one of the most photogenic goats in history. Not only do I have about 15 pictures of him on different occasions but when I was recently on Facebook I noticed that another volunteer from this organization (who was here last year) also has pictures of him.
This goat cracks me up…..he was really into his food and really scared of me. Everytime I went near him he wanted to run away but his food was just a little too tasty so he would carefully watch me and keep his head just far enough away to be out of my reach.
This goat as well as all goats love banana peels so much you would think they are monkeys. This little one was the first one to give me the demonstration of their love for bananas which also include head-butting one another and playing tug-o-war with the peel. I was tempted to try one myself but just couldn’t get there.
Reverse Dalmation
Reverse Dalmation
There are loads of these reverse dalmation goats and they always catch my eye. Unfortunately it always seems that they aren’t in our project so I don’t get the chance to take pictures of them. This was not only in our project but also very angry at me that I was not allowing him to be with his mother which was pretty funny (okay that sounded really mean…..I was trying to treat him, besides he was too old to be with his mother anyway).
There is something kind of mesmerizing about a pure white goat (maybe I’ve been dealing with just goats for a little too long?). These two were just dying to have their picture taken as you can see from the almost smile on the mother’s face (seriously).
And my number one favourite goat in Uganda is...
This little girl was born about 6 hours ago and I can't begin to describe how "happy" I am that she is here. You see her father is a really sick dairy buck (the first one here in the project) who I wasn't sure was breeding...today I told Reagan that I was sad as all I really wanted to do is see a dairy baby as I wanted to see what the crosses would look like. Today as I was driving through the village this little girl stopped me and says "Doctor, doctor come and see what your Canada (that's his name) has produced." I was ecstatic that I went running to see this baby. I found its owner there proud as could be and she says..."Dr. Kent...it's a girl....I am going to have milk!" I gave her a HUGE hug and told her that I couldn't be happier. She then asked me to name her....the obvious choice was Happy. On top of all that she really is one of the cutest kids I have seen in Uganda.
Ok sorry…I just had to do a post on the other kind of kids here. Kids and kids (goat and human variety) can cause some serious confusion and usually some laughter. Various phrases can be super funny if you assume the wrong kind of kid. For example:
“Is she the one who left her kid outside all night in the rain?” – Goat kid
“She was the one with the kid that hung itself” – Goat kid
“That kid loves to eat pork.” – Human kid
“She shares her bed with her kid.” – Goat kid (yeah you read that right….see how it could get confusing?)
Nonetheless, kids and kids still amuse me on a regular basis. I can’t wait to get back to Canada and have some kids of my own (you be the judge on what kind of kid I am referring to there).
“Is she the one who left her kid outside all night in the rain?” – Goat kid
“She was the one with the kid that hung itself” – Goat kid
“That kid loves to eat pork.” – Human kid
“She shares her bed with her kid.” – Goat kid (yeah you read that right….see how it could get confusing?)
Nonetheless, kids and kids still amuse me on a regular basis. I can’t wait to get back to Canada and have some kids of my own (you be the judge on what kind of kid I am referring to there).
Maybe some of each (kids and kids)... how could you choose- they are both (kids and kids) so darn cute!
hilarious! I started to read your blog (for the first time, which will hopefully explain my idiocy) and assumed you were talking about CHILDREN so then when i scrolled down and saw the goats it totally caught me off guard. wow...dumb moment. obviously i'm not a goat expert.
Anyway, it sounds like you're having a great time over there and doing lots of good. nice work!
maybe i'll see you around when you're back in canada--you'll definitely stand out with all of your 'kids' following you around (if goats is the kind you mean....)
It always brightens my day when I read your blog.
Cant wait to see you.
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