Friday, September 10, 2010

On the road...uhhh...plane again....

just can't wait to get on that plane again....

Well here I am....four days and I fly back to Uganda. Hard to believe I was there two and half years ago already. Parts of me feel like I was there yesterday, other parts of me feel like I was never even there. I am so looking forward to seeing the looks on those peoples' faces when I come waltzing up in the middle of town without them knowing. Although some will know....I wanted to surprise the whole crew but the cat got out of the bag. Oh well no harm done. As one little old lady who came into the clinic said...."If I were one of them I can guarantee you I would have a heart attack!" Well if that's the case...that's a little more of a surprise than I was wanting to give them.

I will be heading back to Mbarara town again and doing some unofficial work with the same project I was working with before. I hope to do a few very small projects as I am sure you remember things in Africa DON'T MOVE FAST! ha ha ha. I think if I try to accomplish too much I'll just end up frustrated. My plan is to do a few community meetings on the benefits of goats and particularly goat's milk. Do some goat monitoring/inventory for the project and some serious visiting. Last time I was in Uganda I didn't take as much time as I should have to just enjoy the life there so this time I hope to do a little more of that. I also look forward to seeing where the project is at and how much those kids have grown (if they recognise me that is). Ugandans are kind of like us "white folks" in the fact that we often think all Asians look alike or all east Indians look alike. I have been in contact with a few of my friends in Uganda and one lady (Janet, if you remember) told me a story that her son (Hosea) walked up to this tall Muzungo (what they call white people there) and just hugged his leg. The Muzungo was a little startled but stood there and then he heard Hosea say...."Kenty?" ha ha ha. The Muzungo knew who I was so it made some sense to him but I thought that was pretty darn funny.

Anyway, I really hope to keep this blog up to date again and share with you this amazing adventure. It won't be as long this time as I am only heading out for one month. But I feel blessed to be even given this much time to leave my job. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as I travel in this country once again. As always I love hearing from back home and look forward  to sharing stories, pictures and life with you when I return.


Lesson for today: Many people asked me how to pronounce Muzungu when I got home last time. So here you are - Mah-Zoon-Goo


Unknown said...

Nice blog Kent.
Personally, I can't wait to meet you once again.
BTW the word is MUZUNGU not MUZUNGO.
Sending you positive regards.

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip and safe travels!
Great to see you today, thanks for stopping on your way. JL

Chris said...

Hi Kent,
Glad to hear you got there safe and sound(and make sure you stay that way)..haha.
I'm sure the PPl of Mu...well you know, they are going to be very excited to see you just as we are when we get the chance. I look forward to seeing and hearing about your adventure.
Take Care of yourself and have fun.
Chris <3