So now that I am in this little town there is a whole new set of things to get used to. Yesterday we made supper in our little kitchen. Our kitchen consists of a table, sink, one cupboard and a little fire pitt in the centre. Last night we went to the market and bought this meat. He just hacked a ch

uck off with a machete type tool. It was goat meat and I was a little afraid of it but it was ok. We ate it with spaghetti. Then this morning

when I woke up I had African tea. Which is milk (straight from the cow) boiled with tea leaves. It was pretty good but it really tasted raw…like how it smells when you are milking a cow. I think I will get used to it. Then for lunch we had HOOF!! The girl I stay with (Hilda) says “Have you eaten…I don’t know how to say in English….hoof?” Then I say “No you must have it wrong, you can’t eat hoof.” Then she sends this young guy up the hill to buy it. I went with him to this freaky little shack where no one speaks English and get this little container. Take this unknown item home in a dish, get there…yep it's HOOF! It was soo incredibly chewy…I certainly will not be eating that again. Also today I had to learn how to wash clothes by hand. It took me FOREVER. I am going to have to learn how to make my clean clothes last longer. The worst were my socks as the leather from my shoes stains them. I washed for about 2 hours, and that was with help. Now I must iron my clothes but we have no power at the house right now so I will wait until tomorrow I guess. Then after washing my clothes I had to have my shower. The first time I looked in the bathroom I never even saw the shower. It is just a spout in the corner. Nothing around it to separate it from the rest of the bathroom and it has only cold water. It was actually nice today as I worked up a bit of a sweat from the clothes washing. But first thing in the morning it might be a bit much.
Overall I am loving this life. It is simple yet very fun. Tonight a young man will take me out on the town I think…I am not really sure. He just said he would be back tonight so we could go into town. I must now head back on the street to get a few things.
PS: I added pictures to yesterday's post.....check them out!
I love reading your updates. I am so entertained and amazed at your experiences. I thought I was doing well eating the food here. I don't know if I could handle the food over there? Hoof...ohh my...that is a long way from seafood. Keep on posting. I am loving it.
PS: I am sure the kids are just loving you!
Hey Kent,
Just dropping by to say hi and God bless. Glad you are getting along so well.
Oh, and just one cute story: Although I am fond of my nick name Bonnie Bowany, I have found a new one which I would like to inform you of, seeing as how over the years, time and again, I have forgot the Bowany one and you have kindly reminded me of it. So, this is the story: earlier this week in my Stats class we took a new method for interpreting differences called the Bonferoni method. I nearly busted out laughing right in class- it was a memorable moment really... an immediate, great fit for a new nick name was dropped right in my lap. Bonnie Bonferoni.
So, signing off. Glad you are doing so good. A side note: if you have a moment, check out on the net. The have something called Mercy Ministry Uganda Jesus Village which is taking in orphans in Uganda and much more. There is also contact info to get in touch with their missionaries facilitating this in Uganda right now. Let me know how what you think/ if anything happens with this- I wish I were there to meet them too!
If you don't know Fresh Fire, they are a ministry out of B.C. but are really touching and people around the world. They are moving in an annointing not unlike Shiloh in some ways: they're moving in signs and wonders, healing, equipping and restoration in an awesome, all in God-loving/living way. Thats my best shot at descibing it- In short, these people are part of a movement that is changing the world through Christ.
Blessings to you Brother.
Wow Kent! Your life is very interesting right now. I hope you are enjoying this experience as you seem to be tailored to having an interesting life. JL
Oh my goodness....even though your experiences sound quite crazy over there it is making me very jealous and now I want to travel again! Sounds like you will have tons of stories to tell..I can't believe you ate hoof! Makes me realize how much we take for granted in our cosy, comfy lifestyles here. Keep well...and keep writing! So interesting!
Sounds like you are having a blast...glad to hear you are enjoying yourself...I love reading this thing!
hi kenty,
I am very amused reading your stories!! I just discovered your blog today! So many interesting things!!! That hoof looked interesting! And the kids, I would just want to take them all home!! Poor chickens though! It is an interesting feeling being a minority hey!!! Welcome! lol! Take care of yourself and I am happy you are enjoying more and not so homesick!
XOXO Alice
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