If you guessed Mbrara then you are corect. I finally arrived in Mbrara today. I gave up on my ride and just ended up taking the bus. It left Kampala at 8 am and it arrived here at noon. The ride was pretty fun. It was raining today so it was too bad as the country side doesn't looks as good as it could but it was still really great. It is so green. I took a whole bunch of pictures but the computer I am on can't even keep up to my typing let alone upload pictures. I took the postal bus which is supposed to take longer but be more reliable and less packed. Well it wasn't slow but it sure was packed. There were some interesting things that h
appened on thebus. This one lady came o with about 5 chickens (see right) in each hand but that were tied together at the feet. They made her put them underneath the bus with the luggage and still tied up. Then when she and her daughter and grand-daughter got on her daughter breast-fed her baby. I am totally cool with breast feeding but correct me if I am in wrong...in Canada do women just let them hang out for all to see? I was sure that usually they covered up with something. NOT HERE! I look over (she is right beside me) and there is this big black boob staring back at me! Oh Uganda.
Now that I am in Mbrara I got the chance to ride a boda-boda (little dirt bike thing). It was so fun...I got my picture taken on it and the driver thought it was hilarious. I can't wait to take one home again.
My time is about out here so until next time...
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