So the other day when I was walking to the tea room I ran into my friend called Amza. He is a boda boda driver who drives from a station very close to my house. It was kind of a cold day and he was standing there in shorts trying to keep warm. I asked him why he was wearing shorts on such a cold day. He told me he lived far away and didn't want to use the gas to go get some pants. I offered to lend him a pair. He accepted and I proceded back to the house to find the cleanest pair of pants I have. I managed to find a relative clean pair of Docker khakis and proceded down to the boda station. I handed him the pair and warned him they weren't perfectly clean and that they may be a little long for him (he is pretty short). He holds up the pants and they come up to his chest! Ha ha ha. He then explains that black people like him like to wear big baggy pants. All the boda drivers at the station were cracking up laughing at Amza. Then Amza said "You will see, tomorrow I will wear," uh he thinks I am GIVING him these pants? Ahhhh what the heck...what do I need another pair of khakis that get dirty the second I put them on for? So I go along with it. Then he says "Do you know how to drive boda?" to which I reply "No." He then decides that I should learn and hey I am not opposed to learning how to drive a rip roaring motorcycle....ok maybe it is more of a scooter!
My first lesson was on Sunday night and it was a blast. Partly because well driving motorbikes (ok ok ok it's a scooter) is fun and second because he took his task so seriously. I really felt like I was in driving school. He was quite strict, "Aaaah"ing and "Nononono"ing when I would make mistakes. I think he was just really happy that he could do something a Muzungo couldn't. So now he has plans to practice everyday now. I truthfully think I have it down but I think he likes to be the teacher.

Note: He is wearing the pants and he was right they actually don't look like they were supposed to be for a 6'2 man.
Awww I miss you like crazy!
I really look forward to your blog. If I need a good laugh, I know where to go.
he looks gangstaaa
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