Monday, March 10, 2008

Wash Day...

Well I think I may have overdone it. Yesterday I did some majorly overdue laundry. I am not actually sure of the last time I wore something that was truly clean which means almost a full's day's work for Dr. Kent (that's what they call me here)! So set to work as I normally do...okay "normally" in this case means the past 2 times. I got out my chair, my soap, my water, my tea and prepped my hands. Don't forget no machines here.

Now any of you who have lived with me or ever been in my room know what kind of pile of clothes I can get and this was no exception. It was a daunting task but I was quite enjoying it...admiring my newly acquired washing skills. Gosh darn it...I am pretty much African. After about 2-3 hours I had finished all my shirts and pants and it was time for socks. The shoes I chose to bring to Uganda have chosen to leave quite the stains on my nice white socks and it takes quite a scrub to get them out. 5 or 6 pairs into the socks my hands are starting to get a little sore so I took a break. I come back dip my hands in the water and it stings a little but I continue on. The last few pairs of socks I am really struggling to do a good job as my hands are really hurting. At last I finish and stand back to admire a hard afternoon's work.

This morning I wake up to these hands!

WOW! They aren't that sore but people keep asking what the heck is wrong with my hands. How embarassing is it to say that my hands can't handle washing clothes...we have machines that do it for us! Someone told me it was because I eat too much sugar that I have weak skin...ha ha ha...entirely possible really! Anyway, my plan is to not leave it quite so long next time around. Maybe then I won't look like such a weakling.


Chris said...

This ones quite amusing, SUGAR....not you Kent. Careful of the open wounds hey.
Gotta love our modern appliances hey!
Take Care xo

Anonymous said...

I was cackling out loud when I read your post, Kent. I tried to wash clothes by hand when I was in the Philippines and I mostly just sweated like only a white person can do and gained a WHOLE NEW APPRECIATION for washing clothes by hand. Also, I laughed out loud at your blue underwear and assoc. staining. Thanks - I needed a laugh at the end of the day!
I am praying for the work that you do there!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!! War wounds from hand-washing!! I couldn't imagine washing all the "large animal stuff off" of your clothes!
luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kent,What as story.I want to prevent any more blisters.This is an old camping trick -get a large pail [5gal] fill 2/3 full of water add soap. Add laundry and tie it onto the back of your vehicle.Pot holes are great for washing clothes. When you get where you are going,the clothes are washed.If you can,fill pail with clean water,wring out your clothes,put them back in the pail.When you get home they are rinsed! wring them out and hang them to dry.No More Blisters ! God Bless ! Candi Chauvin