Monday, February 11, 2008

Children Make Me Smile

So yesterday this woman named Annette asked if I could come and see her friend's pigs. I was doing nothing so I said that would be fine. We walked to the farm from town...well truthfully I don't really know if it was a farm. Just because there are pigs doesn't mean it is a farm. There are animals everywhere here. Goats, chickens, pigs, cows....all just chillin' on the road. So we went the "pig location" I suppose. When we were walking there we were getting into this area where it is a bit more remote and I suppose fewer Muzungos go. The kids were absolutely hilarious (I really should have taken my camera). They don't speak much English but it is nice to have someone who speaks the local language with you so you can get a translation of their conversations with one another. There were a few really funny things that the kids said.

As we were walking past this one house there was one kid who cups his hands and says "Anyone who wants to see a whiteman come now or you will miss it. He is very tall!" how great is that? The next kid was seriously no more than 3 years old he (or maybe she...I find it hard to tell) says her "I am fine!" and then runs up to the house "Mom I just saw a Muzungo!" The last one was the best. This HUGE group of kids started following us and just chattering trying to be close to me. So as they run I start to run they start saying "Wow! Muzungoes run on their feet too. I thought that they would break when they run!" I love this place.

The kids continue to amuse me and I don't think I will ever be tired of them. I can't wait to get to the villages where us Muzungoes are even less common.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I have read your entries and I am very amazed with what you are doing. I am sure you will be full of alot more stories than you can write about by the time you get back to our world. Anyways I give you full credit for what you are doing for these people and I look forward to reading more and hearing all your stories and seeing pictures when you get home. Good luck to you.
Val Garnier

Randean said...

Hey Kent

You are awesome. I am loving your blog, sounds like an incredible place. I am a little scared that "You" are representing Muzungos for these children. Haha

have fun
randean :)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Kent. So proud of you. Love catching up with your blog! God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kenter - great to hear you enjoying the kids. And good to here the tall muzungo can still run. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are like a celebrity to the kids there! They sound pretty cute.
