We have an office in Mbarara but we operate in the district called Insingiro. We drive there most days whcih in itself is usually somewhat of an adventure. The roads here are ridiculous! I am talking HUGE potholes....you drive in anyway possible to dodge them., usually resulting in some close calls. When we arrive at a widow's house we set up camp and get to work. My work is pretty basic...nothing too fancy but I like it. We first of all chat with the women to see what problems they are facing (with the goats or other aspects of their lives).
We have recently started weighing and measuring the goats for a study of Eddie's as well as to help the women with marketing their product to buyers. This way they don't get cheated as they can say the vet was here and weighed them.
We then do an exam on the goats. We usually find that they are super pale (likely due to worms), the are underweight, have diarrhea or are covered in ticks. Today we found the mother-load of ticks. Yes those are ALL ticks....I had quite the time plucking them off and squishing them!
We also see a few interesting cases like this case of Orf in this poor little kid! I can't imagine trying to eat my meals with all these lesions on my mouth.
Then of course me being who I am....I sometimes have to be the locksmith. Locking your keys in the car out in the middle of Uganda is even worse than locking your keys in the car in Northen Saskatchewan. At first I thought like any Canadian would...."Someone got a coat hanger?" ha ha ha. These people don't even have the coat to put on the coat hanger. So I used what little resources I had. I wedged some sticks in the door and was trying to turn the window crank with a stick. The sticks kept breaking and my progress was slow. I also tried putting a piece of string through the door and hooking it on the window crank.
After about 30 minutes Eddie jams a stick in the passenger door lock and "pop" the door unlocks! Ahhhh.....all in a day's work for this African Goat Vet.
Thanks for the update - see everyone he does work - don't worry Kent I have been sticking up for you. By the way your Grandpa and I have seen ORF in people - WEAR YOUR GLOVES.
Awww...that little baby goat (kid i guess!) is so cute....you should bring one home! haha.
Kent, I've just been showing your Grandpa how much you look like him and your dad - you are wearing the exact same outfit as they both are right now! (short sleeve button up shirt, tie, slacks.) Much more glamourous to wear in Africa then here.
Kent...OMG...I can't believe the amount of ticks on that goat and how big they were. I'm guessing..you , locked your keys in the truck...hehehe.
Good work Dr. Kent....I love the bottom picture of you holding the goat...you look like your survivin ok and again..that big Kent smile.
LISTEN to your DAD. xoxo
Those ticks are NASTY!! Like I like pulling them off too but man, they gave me the heebeegeebees a bit!!!! What do we do for them? Can we dip, just keep plucking out there? I actually have no clue about goat medicine!!! Do they have some access to drugs, dewormer ect out there or are you severely limited?
Man, I can't believe you locked your keys!! In Africa!!! So lucky you got in without breaking a windo or something!! lol!
oh my gosh those ticks are disgusting!!!! remember you are suppose to bring a baby goat back for me, preferrably one without ticks or ORF. By the way it really is creepy that you are becoming dad, which therefore means you are becoming grandpa. Mind you those are two pretty incredible people to take after. Wow kent i am so proud of what you are doing over there, missing you lots though!
Hi Kent
I love the last photo with you and the wee baby.
I was sitting here reading my email and Amanda was at the next computer laughing her ass off. I look over and she is reading your blog. Most entertaining.
You look so professional, that is until you lock your keys in the truck!!! hahaha
We went to Foxy's for lunch - Miss YOU!!
I really really laughed at this one.
What no CAA?
Missin you lots. Wish I could be there to help. I wouldnt wash your socks though because feet are gross!
I am proud of your good work... nice to see what you actually are doing (besides whooping it up at weddings and playing on scooters!)
ps - I also like your work outfit...look very professional! ;)
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