Monday, April 14, 2008

Certainly not Guilty...

Well I just spent an amazing weekend with two of my greatest friends here in Uganda. One of them you know...he is called Innocent. The other one you don't know but here is my other good friend....INNOCENT! (remember I met 4 in one day....)

For ease of understanding I will use their surnames in my entry. So the Innocent from before is called Aswiimwe Innocent and the new one is called Mushabe Innocent.

Mushabe was in my town for a training session on monogamy (a serious issue here) last week. I told him that he should come to my place for Friday night and we would go out and eat Muchomo. He was absolutely ecstatic about the idea and accepted the invite readily. So on Friday night I picked him up from the workshop and we went out to meet a couple Muzungo girls from Edmonton for Muchomo. He was pretty pumped to have his picture taken with the beautiful Muzungo girl and eventhough he couldn't really talk to her he was loving life!

He also ordered more Muchomo than I have ever seen anyone order and ate all of it. We then went back to my place where I showed him pictures of hockey and ice which absolutley boggled his mind. We chatted to all hours of the night trying to understand one another (he only made it to Grade 5 so English isn't super strong). We then woke very early the next morning to get ready for our day. I got ready while he tried to figure out how to use a laptop and my cell phone (this boy really is from "The Village"). I shaved and then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I came back to my room he was holding my electric razor with the most puzzled look on his face. He honestly looked like a monkey trying to figure out what the heck it was. I tried to explain what it was and then he asked if he could try. So I let him have a go. It was hilarious...I wasn't laughing out loud but inside I was dying. He was puffing his cheeks and using the wrong end of the razor. I had to show him...showing him meant me using the razor on his face...ha ha ha what a hoot! He finally got it and then done as he had seen me do...put on aftershave (I am sure not really knowing why he was doing it) which made him feel like a million bucks!

I was then to take Mushabe to Kaberebere and drop him so he could get home and in the process pick up Asiimwe as he and I were going "Deep into the Village" as they call it. We were going to his home village Kikagate. When we arrived to pick Assiimwe I had to get a picture of the three of us...I mean really how often do you meet an Innocent? Let alone 2? Add a Kent and you get Innokent (their idea not mine).

Mushabe then decided that he too should come to Kikagate and Asiimwe was very excited to extend the invite. So Innokent made the long (eventhough I was told it was near) trekk to Kikagate. When we arrived the view alone was worth it.

The place was absolutely beautiful. Similar to the foothills I guess but much greener. I forced them to climb the huge hills with me which was apparently so "Muzungo" of me but it was quite grand up there and you could see Tanzania which was pretty cool.

Of course it didn't take long before the whole village had heard that Aswiimwe had brought a Muzungo to the village and even less time before I was invited into just about every home to eat. I learned it is really rude to turn down an offer to eat. So we ate...and ate and ate...I seriously felt soooo incredibly sick and it seemed the 2 foods which I don't care for in Uganda kept being served over and over again! We finally finished eating our 4th supper (no lie) at midnight and we slept in a really nice home. And let me tell the village you can SLEEP. It was so quiet I felt like I could have slept forever...unfortunately in the village you don't actually sleep but wake at about 6. At 6 Asiimwe came and laid on my mattress and asked if I wanted to go to Tanzania for the day? Uhhhhh...heck yes I do. I'll post some about Tanzania later this week. My internet time has come to a close. I am truly blessed to have amazing God fearing men here in Uganda as my closest friends. I still feel like I am on Cloud 9 (not sure where that is...but it feels nice regardles!).


Anonymous said...

i was really happy to stumble upon your blog and read about the great work you are doing with vets without borders. However I can't help but say how offended I was to read of your description of the ugandan people. "he looked like a monkey trying to figure [the electric razor]" comments like this and others are more than degrading, they are dehumanizing, and show no respect for the fact that across borders, cultural knowledge is extremely different.

western knowledge is not the only knowledge that is fact, it probably wouldn't get you very far if you were forced into the same situation of poverty or as you say "village" life.

you are doing great work. please continue this. but please also respect the people you are working for. please dont turn your work into modern day sanctimonious imperialism. they deserve better than that.

in peace,
someone also struggling with white privilege and the western supremism we grow up with.

Anonymous said...

Kent! These posts are nothing short of amazing! I saw the link on your Facebook status. I thought I'd take a gander at what you're up to on the other side of the world and I couldn't stop reading! I read and read and read. Keep the posts coming! They are wonderful! The pictures are spectacular as well!


Dr. Kent said...

Thanks for reading (both Nevada and the anonumous reader).

I am sorry to have offended you. I certainly in no way, shape or form meant to offend anyone with my posts.

My expression of Mushabe "looking like a monkey" wasn't meant to be degrading to wasn't that I thought he looked stupid....he looked inquistive..maybe comparing him to a goat or something else might have been a better idea. Mushabe is truthfully one of the brightest people I have met in Uganda. Although he only made it to grade 5 he asks really intelligent questions about goat health and life in general.

If anyone here looks like they lack knowledge it is certainly me. If you watched me try and hoe a garden, pick fruit, or even eat with my hands you would certainly see that "Western Knowledge" as you call it gets me pretty much nowhere.

I apologize for my lack of sensitivity and never meant to degrade anyone especially such a great friend of mine. Please continue to read and I will try to be more sensitive in my future posts.

All the best and God Bless.

Kristal Dawn said...

Ha... to the blog and to the first comment.
Love you Dr.Kent!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kenter, (as G-pa would say)
Kent i love your blog, gosh it just makes me jelous that i am not there with you!, kent i think thos eof us who know you well know how kind and gentle nature you are, and that comment about acting like a monkey, i fully understood your nature towards the sitation and how you were just relating it to the image we all see when someone is puzzled about somthing. i disagree that you had any intent to direspect anyone, if the anonymus comment knew who you were they would feel very differently about what they said about your blog.
keep up the good work Doc
from alistair

Dr. Kent said...

Thanks Alistair...that is why I love you (and because I have to I guess).