Monday, April 7, 2008

My Tim Horton's

So I know you are now all feverishly consuming anywhere between 2-6 Timmy’s a day in hopes of winning the big moolah, the car, the TV or whatever the prizes are this year. I also know that although the chances of winning are about 1 in 8, you have likely won a cookie in the 20 purchases you have made. Well I certainly have no Tim Horton’s French Vanilla or soup and sandwich deal, but what I do have is the slightly less sophisticated “Tea Room”.

The Tea Room has become my second home. I frequent there at least twice a day, more on slow days. I don’t now nor have I ever really gone for the tea. Sure it is nice but for me…I go for the friends. I would say that if I never went into the Tea Room the day that I did, my experience in Uganda would be a whole lot different. If you recall it is where I first met Charles. Without the Tea Room I would never have gone to a wedding (and likely never run out of fuel), I would never have gone to Lyantonde, I never would have discovered good African Tea, I never would have made half the friends I have made. This weekend I was unable to go to the Tea Room for Friday evening and all day Saturday. When I showed up on Sunday they were all worried…asking where I had been and declaring that I was lost (when someone hasn’t seen in you a little while they say “Kent, you are lost!” I don’t actually think I have ever been lost in Uganda yet but I guess they lose me in a sense). Anyway, I have enjoyed many a cup of tea here, both paid for and free, but what is really great is the friendships. Last week we had a dance party at the tea room late one evening…I was teaching 2-step and the waltz which was hilarious and they were teaching me how to Calypso which I am sure was even more hilarious. I wanted to get pictures of all my friends at the tea room and with time I will but for now here are some of my good friends who have taken me under their wing and made me one of their own.

Mama Jane actually owns the Tea Room and is really really stubborn and I love it. We all laugh at this picture as she loves Cassava so much (she is holding it), so we laugh saying that you can tell she just got some roasted Cassava. Every picture we take now we say “Cassava” instead of “Smile” or something else.

Jane Junior and Flo (Florence) both work at the Tea Room. Flo full time and Jane when she isn’t at school. Everyone LOVES to pick on Jane and as soon as she sees many of the costumers you will see her run away to avoid getting noogied or hugged to death.

Glo (Gloria) is Charles’ sister and Grace is in the background. At one point I think she thought that her and I would be married….ha ha ha….thankfully she is over that phase and continues to be a really good teacher and translator for Mama Jane and I.

Norman and Charity. I tried to set Norman and Charity up but I don’t think it worked. Ha ha ha. Charity works at the Tea Room and Norman is a frequent costumer and works at a little shop nearby. I have also become very close with his family (2 brothers and father). I laugh at this picture as you can see that even older people love to have their snap taken. I think there are about 2 extra heads and a couple extra arms here.

Well all this type of tea has made a little hungry and thirsty not to mention wanting to go see everyone. Best of luck with Rrrrrolling Up the Rim to Win and if you do by some amazing feat win the car….remember that you owed me a coffee. If you don’t win….don’t give up hope, hang in there….you could be at the Tea Room where winning means you don’t find an ant in the sugar that day…now THAT my friends is a prize!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kent, I'm glad to hear that you are having such a fantastic time. This will definetly be an experience that will touch your heart in so many ways and one that you will surely remember forever.
Take care, continue enjoying your experience and stay safe.
Luv Tara Koppel (Payne)