Monday, March 31, 2008


Africa is no different than other place in some respects. I find that for whatever reason there are just some people you are drawn to more than others. I don’t know why but some kids I meet I immediately connect to. Maybe it’s the ones who are just the right amount of shy but warm up when you talk to them? Maybe it is the ones who flash me the biggest smile? Maybe it’s the ones who are in the greatest need? Or maybe it’s the ones who shout “Dr. Kent!” as I drive by? Whatever the reason is…I have my favourites. Here are some of my favourite kids and a little about each of them.


Hosea is my favourite and actually happens to belong to my favourite widow as well. I tried not to pick favourites as I think it can lead to problems when working with the women happened. Hosea was the first child to learn my name and his mother tells me whenever a truck drives through their village he looks to see if it is me. He knows very little English but clings to my leg and holds on to me when we walk which is communication in itself I guess. He has this great smile and last week I let him sit on my lap and drive the truck like my grandfather used to do. I think he was flying pretty high.


Ian screamed in hysteria the first time he saw me. Then his grandmother forced him to sit on my lap. I think he was in shock as he stopped and just stared. Slowly he became more comfortable with me and started to play with my arm hair (a common happening amongst the young and the old). Now when I drive by he give me the most energetic wave ensuring that I see him and say hi.


Okay so I don’t actually know these girls names but they follow me around whenever I am in their village chanting and clapping “Anina”. I am going to try and upload their video at some point as it is absolutely hilarious. I have no idea what “Anina” means but it makes me smile. The one with the shaved head is the ring leader and is very stubborn (see the below post for what that really means).


He is the one in the pink (school uniform). The first time I met him he seriously just sat and listened to me talk for hours with one of my friends. Never saying anything but just smiling everytime I turned to him. Usually when they sit and stare it means that they can’t speak English but just enjoy watching a Muzungo do what we do. Turns out he has great English and is really funny...he claimed he was 15 but when we got to talking he was actually born in 1995 (news to me and him....birthdays and age here are not really important). He has been teaching me some local language which gives some good laughs.


This is Cam with Hosea. Cam was probably the first kid to really warm up to me. I met him the very first week I was here and he and his brother immediately showed me around the village and helped me find the people I needed to find. I often get him and his brother (Antony) mixed up as they look so much alike.

Random kids.....

I don't really know any of these kids that well but they presented some good photo ops and kids NEVER have a problem being "snapped" as they call it.


Kristal Dawn said...

This was my favourite. The the first photo of random kids.. the girl on the left is my favourite!!

Haha playing with arm hair "a common happening amongst the young and the old"

I guess I'm in for a lot of arm action!!

amthomas said...

Made me cry my dear!
Again so so proud of you!
By the way, wheres your tan. You look as white now as you did when you were here.

Anonymous said...

SOOO Cute. I just want to grab them out of the picture and hug them... is that creepy?


Anonymous said...

Cute kids Kent I love the little girl leaning on the corner of the building. She is adorable! Ialso liked the picture of the little boy against the side of the building. Great pictures! Love you sooo much MY child. Lots of love forever Mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Kenty,
This was my most favorite entry and brought such a smile to my face!!! I would want to take all of them home!! Amazing and really made my day.
Luv ya! Alice

Anonymous said...

Great pictures that tell a great story Kent. It will be hard to leave when the day arrives. I'm certain you are making a difference to all that you meet. Keep up the great work ( kind of sad to find out now that you could have gone to Uganda a become a Dr in just a few days!!) DAD

Randean said...

Your self portrait with the kids is the best photo EVER!!

You rock